Data Protection Policy

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”), this Data Protection Policy sets out how Intime Accounting Pte. Ltd., Intime Consultancy Pte. Ltd. and Intime Corporate Services Pte. Ltd. (collectively referred to herein as “INTIME”) collect, use and/or disclose any personal data provided by you. “You” refers to people who contact us to enquire and/or use our services as well as the job applicants and our existing and former employees.

“Personal Data” refers to data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data, or from that data in combination with other information to which the organisation may have access, as defined in the Act which may be amended from time to time.


The Personal Data that INTIME collect from you may include but not limited to your name, age, identity card number or passport number, residential or office address, gender, date of birth, marital status, occupation, contact information such as email address, mobile number, house number, facsimile number, race, religion, nationality, place of birth and financial information such as bank account or credit/debit card numbers, curriculum vitae containing qualification and employment details, copies of your identity card, work permit or passport where it bears your photo image, signature and thumbprint.

INTIME collect Personal Data in the following ways:

  • When you submit an enquiry through our website or request that we contact you
  • When you interact with our employees via telephone calls, emails, face to face meetings
  • When you engage our services and fill up our internal application forms
  • When you provide supporting documents in order for us to perform our services
  • When you submit your resumes through our website, recruitment agency or online job portals, fill up our internal application form during an interview and when you are employed by us.

By providing your Personal Data to INTIME, you are deemed to have given consent to us to collect, use or disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • responding to your queries;
  • providing services, including corporate secretarial services, tax and accounting services, payroll processing, and/or in the ordinary course of work;
  • the sending of correspondences, statement of account, invoices or notices to you, which could involve disclosure of certain personal data about you on the external cover of envelopes/mail packages;
  • regulatory/statutory compliance, conducting customer due diligence checks and internal record keeping;
  • complying with applicable law in administering and managing your relationship with INTIME;
  • managing or terminating an employment relationship between INTIME and the individual;
  • applying of a job position within INTIME;
  • all other purposes necessary and/or incidental to our business and all purposes necessary for or related to any of the above purposes.

If you have provided Personal Data of other individuals (e.g. your spouse, children, and/or employees) to INTIME, you also confirm that you have sought the requisite consent from these individuals to the collection, use and disclosure of their Personal Data. In particular, you confirm that you have notified these individuals of the purposes for collection, use and disclosure of their personal data as set out above.

Personal Data may be disclosed within INTIME, to any of its associated entities or to any other third party/ies such as insurance agents, subcontractors, accountants, auditors, tax agents, registered agents, government bodies and authorities, located in Singapore or overseas in order to satisfy the purposes for which the Personal Data have been collected. Unless it is permitted by the PDPA or by law, the Personal Data shall not otherwise be disclosed to any third party without your prior written consent.

INTIME will not retain your Personal Data longer than is necessary for the purposes it was collected for and take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Personal Data is returned, destroyed or deleted if it is no longer required for any business or legal purposes.


You are entitled to have access to your Personal Data that is in the possession of INTIME and information about the ways in which your Personal Data has been or may have been used or disclosed within a year before the date of the request. INTIME will be charging a reasonable fee to cover incremental costs of responding to your request and if the fee is agreeable, we will respond to your request within 14 working days.

You may request INTIME to correct your Personal Data and INTIME will correct your Personal Data as soon as practicable unless we have reasonable grounds not to do so. In addition, INTIME shall forward the corrected Personal Data to every organization which the Personal Data was disclosed to within a year before the date the correction was made.

You may submit the above written requests to our Data Protection Officer via email at or by post at 1 Raffles Place #28-02 One Raffles Place Singapore 048616.


As INTIME relies on the Personal Data provided by you to conduct customer due diligence and perform our services, you must ensure that the Personal Data provided is as accurate as possible. INTIME shall make reasonable effort to ensure that Personal Data collected is accurate and up to date by performing verification checks and updating our records whenever changes to any Personal Data comes to our attention.

INTIME will endeavour to protect your Personal Data in our possession against risks of unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or destruction by ensuring that our systems are secure and that they meet industry standards and putting in place appropriate procedures to safeguard and secure your Personal Data. All employees of INTIME are made aware of the importance of maintaining confidentiality of your Personal Data and are bound by confidentiality obligations in their employment contracts.

In the event if your Personal Data is transferred to a country or territory outside Singapore, INTIME will also ensure that the recipients are bound by legally enforceable obligations that provide a standard of protection to your Personal Data which is at least comparable to the PDPA. This may include entering into a data protection agreement with the recipients, unless an exception under the PDPA or law applies.


As part of our efforts to ensure that we properly manage, protect and process your personal data, we will be reviewing our policies, procedures and processes from time to time.

We reserve the right to amend the terms of this Data Protection Policy at our absolute discretion. Any amended Data Protection Policy will be posted on our website. You are encouraged to visit our website from time to time to ensure that you are well informed of our latest policies in relation to personal data protection.


If you have any enquiries, feedback or request relating to your Personal Data given to us earlier or wish to withdraw your consent given for the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer through any of the following methods:

Office address: 1 Raffles Place #28-02 One Raffles Place Singapore 048616
Office number: +65-62216366
Email address: